More budding photographs have been snapping their cameras at Hugh Jackman whilst on set for the Wolverine movie. This time Flynet have posted some shots of our movie star looking jovial, some possible spoilers here if you can read into the clues, but mostly just hunky images with large watermarks. I wouldn’t get too excited.
March, 2008
Hugh Jackman Pictures March 6th, 2008, posted by FofR
First look at Liev Schreiber as Sabretooth March 4th, 2008, posted by FofR
We’ve just got our first pictures showing Liev Schreiber donning claws and green torn shirt as Sabretooth. I’ve included the best shot below, the rest are rather candid and unappealing, but you can see the full gallery at Just Jared, there’s also a couple of shots of Hugh Jackman throwing an apple in similar attire.
Video from the Wolverine Carnival Set March 4th, 2008, posted by FofR
The Daily Telegraph have been on location at the Wolverine carnival shoot, covertly snapping shots of scenes filmed, making their own videos of the unfolding events and getting some expert images of Hugh Jackman dressed fairly casually.
Wolverine Carnival Picture Gallery:

First Set Report, Wolverine at the Carnival March 2nd, 2008, posted by FofR
Aint it Cool have the scoop on this one, via The Man Who Japed. The tip-off came via the Sydney Herald that an overnight shoot would be taking place in Federal Park on Friday 29th of February.
The set was pretty cool. They had sealed off a fairly large section of the park and done it up as a carnival with lots of bright lights, some rides and a Ferris Wheel and various attractions. There were a lot of extras milling around in typical carnival attire such as mimes, clowns etc.
We saw someone who looked like from the Black Eyes Peas wearing a purple jacket and sporting an afro walking around the carnival set and conferring with the director, but what I found most interesting was the set dressing of the sideshow attraction. There was one that had a picture of a man with a beard in a top hat called Dr Freak advertising his freak show with a woman called ‘Elastina’ who I assume is going to be a mutant. There was also a three headed baby. It’ll be interesting to see how this ties in to the film.
In this first image you can see the references to Dr Freak and the three headed baby on the posters to the left, and the Elastina poster can be spotted in the third picture just sticking out from behind the ticket booth.
Young Wolverine Re-cast March 2nd, 2008, posted by FofR
Kodi Smit-McPhee was originally set to play the miniature Hugh Jackman, however due to schedule clashes (he shall be shooting The Road) it seems he is no longer available to play the part. ComingSoon are reporting that young Troye Mellet from Perth has been chosen as his replacement.